Friday, April 4, 2014

Getting back on track after hospitalization

I am on day 3 of my new workout program and meal plan.  I feel sore but really happy that I am able to workout and incorporate some healthy food options that I was unable to tolerate only a couple weeks ago.  It amazing how the human body can transform with correct nutrition and exercise.  I have experienced it myself with losing 40lbs before my Crohns diagnosis and hospitalization.  After being in the hospital for 5 days out of work for a month and taking large amounts of steroids, my body needed a jump start.  My muscle tone that I had worked hard on developing is gone, the steroids have me puffed up like a marshmallow, and I was advised by doctors to eat a low residue diet which is basically white bread, white pasta, white crackers, cheese and a few other carbohydrate and fat rich foods.  To say that I was excited to eat fruit, yogurt and vegetables is an understatement.
Now on day 3 of the 21 Day Fix my clothes are fitting again, my face is slimming out and I'm saying peace out to my double chin :)  The workouts are short (30 mins) and they have modified options which I use because I need to build back up to where I once was.  I look forward to being able to run 3.5 miles a couple times a week again and go to a spinning class!  I know my body needed the rest and recovery from everything that happened, and now my body needs to be healthy weight wise.  I will continue to update on my health and fitness progress, and would love to know if you have any experience with weight loss helping you control your chronic illness symptoms.  Thanks for stopping by. ~ Kristen

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