I'm not going to lie and tell you I don't crave the garbage I used to eat before committing to get healthy. I have noticed a significant decrease in the number of cravings, but when I get one I make sure to bust out my secret weapon! People of the interwebs I give you cookie dough superfood protein shake! What you need: Vanilla Shakeology 1 scoop -you can substitute a different vanilla protein powder but I'm not sure it will taste as good or have the superfoods ShakeO has, 1/4 cup chai tea concentrate, 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 cup cold water,1 frozen banana, 2 tbsp whipped cream (I like Cabot because it doesn't have corn syrup in it and I'm a Vermonter). Add all ingredients except whipped cream into a blender, blend until smooth, add whipped cream and a colorful straw, ENJOY! Now this is not an everyday shake because there is more sugar than I normally like to have in a meal, but to squash a craving for sweets it's a much better choice than the pint of Cherry Garcia I used to inhale!
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