This is my dinner from the other night. 4 oz steak, 2 oz cilantro lime shrimp, oven roasted carrots, garlic, and turnips. I had never in my 28 years of life had turnips! Turns out I love them :). Have you tried a new vegetable recently that you liked? If not... I challenge you to try a new vegetable or fruit this week.
Follow me on my quest for health! Healthy recipes, workout ideas, triumphs and failures. I will post my entire journey here.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Finding time to workout
Recently a lot of people have been noticing my weight loss. When they ask what I'm doing I tell them eating right and exercising a ton! The response I've been getting is " I don't have time to exercise." Well let me tell you, I used to make the same excuse. I work at least 10 hour days and take an excessive amount of call as an operating room nurse. I work on my feet all day often wearing 30lbs of lead and pick up heavy trays of instrumentation. I would come home and just crash on the couch, often watching 2-3 hours of TV before bed. When I finally got serious about my health goals I realized you don't have to find the time to workout, you need to make the time. Schedule it into your day. Make it your "me" time. So i cut back on couch potato time and workout at home to save time that would be spent traveling to a gym. Two weeks into my workouts and now I crave the endorphin rush it gives me, I feel so accomplished even after a short workout. 15 minutes is all it took to burn 174 calories and get my heart rate up! So make the time to workout. Aren't you worth it?
Chalene Johnson,
clean eating,
Les Mills Pump,
Turbo Fire,
weight lifting,
Monday, July 29, 2013
Weight loss update :)
So in the past 2 weeks I have lost 8.6 lbs. Eating right and working out consistently have brought me here and I haven't felt this good in a long time. I have also recently quit drinking diet soda. I drink water like its my job. Have you quit soda or another unhealthy habit? What helped you push through cravings?
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Non scale victory (NSV)!!!!
I bought this sweatshirt yesterday and was very excited when I fit into a LARGE!!!! When I started my weight loss journey in January 2013 I wore an XXL and it was a snug fit! Sometimes when I haven't had a big loss it helps to have an NSV like this.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Spicy chicken salad
1 deboned rotisserie chicken
1 bag coleslaw
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
Sriracha to taste
Combine all ingredients in large bowl and enjoy! Makes approximately 8 servings.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I like to move it, move it!
I post this picture not to make fun ( although the title of this workout begs for a smart ass quip). I post this as a reminder that no matter what your fitness level is, there is a form of exercise you can do. Completely out of shape? Try walking. Painful joints? Swimming did wonders for my joint pain and helped me shed the pounds. You just have to start moving. Start moving and don't stop. Everyday try to increase the distance you walk or amount of time you are working out. Eventually you can work up to more intense workouts if you so choose!
joint pain,
Weight loss,
Saturday, July 20, 2013
I was unhappy for a long time about my weight and health. It took me awhile to get to the point where I knew I had to change something. I used to eat take out for almost every meal and sit on the couch on my days off. I was close to 240lbs and absolutely miserable. I have had many low points and struggles when it comes to dealing with my weight, but this year I finally got serious about the food I was using to fuel my body and my lack of physical activity. The weight is coming off slowly but I have never felt better! I have more energy, my chronic back pain is almost completely gone, and my stomach issues ( I'll explain more in a later post) are gone. I was unhappy with my weight so I changed my eating and workout habits. You are in charge of your own happiness, make a change if you need to, take that leap of faith, live the life you deserve.
Weight loss
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Getting fit is a family affair
My husband has started P90X just this past week. He has already lost 7 lbs!!! I'm so proud of him and it makes my fitness journey that much easier when I have such a great supporter at home. I used to struggle to make healthy choices on my own, but with the two of us eating healthy and working out it has become part of everyday life. Do you have a person in your life you can look to for support with your goals?
before and after,
Weight loss,
Sunday, July 14, 2013
So this just happened...
Day 2 of Turbofire/ LMPump hybrid! I know I don't look like a fitness model when I workout, but I'm working hard to get to that point! It's ok if you can't do all the moves just right! The fact that you are moving and trying is better than sitting on the couch frustrated because you feel like you can't do it. Keep at it and in time you will surprise yourself with how far you've come and how much better you are at the moves.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
I be up in my home just working on my fitness!
I have struggled for years trying to make/ find time to get to the gym. I enjoy classes more than using cardio machines or nautilus equipment. With my schedule at the hospital I work long days and a lot of overtime on the weekends. Classes at my local gym never fit my schedule so when I did get to the gym I would have no idea what to do. I would run/ jog on the treadmill and use the nautilus machines but I never really enjoyed it and my results were minimal. I recently discovered some before and after transformations of people who did workout programs at home and they are incredible! I bit the bullet and ordered this program through Beachbody and will be starting a hybrid program of Turbofire and LMPump. Progress photos, my meal plan and measurements to come so stay tuned :)
Friday, July 12, 2013
Fit tip
I love, love ,love shaker bottles. What I don't nasty they get after sitting in my lunch box all day 😬. To make cleaning them a breeze I add warm water and baking soda to the shaker cup and shake it! Then rinse with warm water and wash as you normally would. Voila! Like new!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Coconut Greek yogurt with fresh sliced up strawberries, this was delicious and refreshing. Mixing Greek yogurt with fruit, nuts, granola or using it as a sour cream substitute I can't get enough of it. Chobani has recently been pushing out a bunch of new flavors and coconut and the key lime flip are my favorites so far. What's your favorite way to eat Greek yogurt? Your favorite flavor?
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I go nuts for almond butter!
Does anyone else get excited when they find a delicious healthy food item??? I love Justin's Maple Almond Butter and when I saw this sitting on the shelf at the health food store I had to contain my excitement so I wouldn't startle the shopper next to me with my shriek of delight....I'm not exaggerating....not even a little. Almond and vanilla, two of my favorite flavors combined in one heavenly nut butter. Its almost too good to be true! I like to spread almond butter on a slice of Ezekiel bread. It is delicious and filling. What is one of your favorite healthy food finds???
almond butter,
eat clean,
Weight loss
Monday, July 8, 2013
Summer (tea) lovin'
Who doesn't love a cold refreshing beverage on a hot summer day? My current go to is iced tea <3. I recently bought this iced tea maker from Teavana. You put the loose leaf tea in the top to steep for 8-10 min then turn the top and it filters the tea concentrate through a mesh filter into the ice water below! Super quick and no calories. I'll sometimes add a couple packets of Truvia for a sweet treat.
iced tea,
Weight loss
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Meal prep
Made zucchini spaghetti with buffalo chicken for lunch this week. Meal prep is so important to staying on track for me. If I have it ready in the refrigerator then I have no excuse that there is nothing to eat. I prep meals and snacks for the entire work week and make a quick shake in the morning to save time. What are some meals you like to prepare ahead of time?
clean eats,
meal prep,
Weight loss
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Quick, easy, healthy lunch
Super quick and easy to make! Toast the bread for added crunch! Loaded with protein, some healthy fat and carbs. What is a quick and healthy lunch you like to make?
clean eating,
Weight loss
Friday, July 5, 2013
Breakfast 🍳
Ladies (and gents) do not, I repeat do not skip breakfast! I used to be guilty of this because I thought I didn't have time or I wanted to save calories. What actually happens is you slow your metabolism and can end up bingeing on food later in the day! My go to breakfast is a protein shake or preprepared steal cut oats. Both of these meals can be made in less than 5 minutes, so NO excuses!👊
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Welcome to my site! I am just your average 28 year old who is looking to improve my life and meet my goal weight by the end of 2013!
I will be posting progress pics, recipes, my thoughts and updates on weight loss and workouts.
Lets connect on Instagram!
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