Saturday, July 20, 2013


I was unhappy for a long time about my weight and health.  It took me awhile to get to the point where I knew I had to change something.  I used to eat take out for almost every meal and sit on the couch on my days off.  I was close to 240lbs and absolutely miserable.  I have had many low points and struggles when it comes to dealing with my weight, but this year I finally got serious about the food I was using to fuel my body and my lack of physical activity.  The weight is coming off slowly but I have never felt better!  I have more energy, my chronic back pain is almost completely gone, and my stomach issues ( I'll explain more in a later post) are gone.  I was unhappy with my weight so I changed my eating and workout habits.  You are in charge of your own happiness, make a change if you need to, take that leap of faith, live the life you deserve.

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