Wednesday, April 2, 2014

SCD yogurt

(My Yogourmet yogurt maker, I found mine on Amazon)
I made my first batch of SCD yogurt over a week ago and have already dug into the second batch!  This yogurt is everything they say it is and more.  You have to make it at home as the fermentation process takes over 24 hours to ensure the lactose is completely removed.  The finished product is thick, creamy with a slight tangy flavor.  Its great with yogurt and nuts, even a little honey.  The best part 1 cup of SCD yogurt has over 700 billion cultures (those good bacteria you want to live in you intestines).  My Crohns symptoms have improved significantly with the addition of SCD yogurt to my diet.  I highly recommend you try it if you suffer from Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS or other digestive issues. The recipe I used can be found HERE.
(My finished SCD yogurt, isn't it beautiful?? )

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