Friday, August 9, 2013

Ch- ch- changes!

It's happening....I'm changing.  The person I used to be is disappearing.  Let me tell you about the old me.  She was morbidly obese.  She ate her feelings.  She was depressed and felt hopeless a lot.  She didn't think she deserved to be healthy and fit.  She wanted to change but didn't know where to start. I get emotional just thinking about what a difference the past 6 months have made.  Did I have set backs? YES!  Did I fail? Hell yes!  Did I keep getting up and pushing harder? Yes.  Here I am today a new me, a better version of myself.  I am happy, I have more energy, and I'm proud of the person I am becoming.  I'm posting this to reach out to you.  If you can relate to this I'm telling you it doesn't have to be this way.  You can change, you can be happy, you can get healthy.  I want to help!  If you want to change your life but don't know where to start add me on Facebook. I will add you to our women's only accountability and support group.

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